Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Little bit of Me in Your Life

I feel like people out there, if anyone is reading this at all, don't know the real me. Well I've taken one of those annoying Facebook questionaires out of boredom, and I decided I'd share it with you fine people.
Mind you, I did not make the questions, I'm only answering them.

The 3's of Me (haha it kinda rhymes)

Three names I go by:
1. Chris
2. Um... uh.... *snaps fingers* uh... uh... what's your name?
3. I always thought your name was Clark

Three jobs I've had in my life:
1. Bus Boy
2. Cashier
3. "Self-employed"

Three places I have lived (other than here):
1. I do not know what "here" refers to, so I will ignore it. Anyway, Baltimore.
2. Philadelphia
3. That's all. 

Three favorite drinks:
1. Water
2. Soda (very unhealthy, I really shouldn't, but I do anyway)
3. "Adult Beverages"

Three TV shows that I watch:
1. 30 Rock
2. Mad Men
3. Whatever's on when I ask for entertainment

Three places I have been:
1. What the hell kind of question is this? What do you want exciting places or just wherever? Umm... right here?
2. Over there?
3. In my house? This is a stupid question.

Three people who email me regularly:
1. No one uses email anymore
2. Okay that's a lie
3. But I'm not going to answer it anyway, that's MY business

Three of my favorite foods:
1. Free Food
2. Good Food
3. Food that isn't bad

Three of my best friends:
1. People who give me things like money or food
2. People who say I'm really cool
3. People who don't look like Jocelyn Wildenstein

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Another unnecessary war (clock's ticking Obama)
2. Plastic surgery without the consequences of looking like a freak
3. Becoming famous and forgetting the little people (ok only PARTIALLY kidding there)

Three things you regret:
1. Not taking that last cupcake
2. Giving that hobo a dollar
3. Accidently kicking that girl in the head at that concert

Well there's a little taste of me. Hope it's enjoyable for you lovely people.

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